Together with the Austrian-based media agency Roromedia we developed an interactive Kinect-based game for our workshop-series "Get to know Mozart" which was held in Shanghai last year. The goal in this unique approach to music education is by adding a fun component to get the contents to be more enjoyable and memorable.

After some brainstorming-sessions we decided that the Kinect camera is the ideal tool to engage with the students. The camera offers the possibility not only to record video but also to measure depth of field. In combination with a projector, the participating children were able to control Mozart on a carriage with their body to the left and right. The goal is to collect as many gold bags and sheet notes in 60 seconds. In order to make it even more exciting, we have integrated thunderclouds passing by, which deduct points when hit, furthermore the speed was increased every 15 seconds.

The game is a fun way to incorporate educational content and got a great reception at one of our workshops in Shanghai!

German blog entry at Roromedia digital agency: Click here..