Nihao from Austria! Intermediate Piano pieces (ENGLISH/CHINESE)

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The new book "Nihao from Austria" - Piano pieces (English/Chinese)!

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Basic Ideas of Teaching, The AME Book Series

Essentials of AME teaching:
The AME contains all the important targets of a modern music education. This means for example the performing of repertoire, the improvisation, the score reading, the music theory and harmony, the culture education and new ideas in performing and presentation of music.

Multicultural teaching in all senses:
The AME follows the ideas in the curriculum of Austrian music schools to teach music as a holistic education with a poly-aesthetic understanding in different fields:

  1. Different cultural learning and understanding of different arts. Painting, literature, architecture and historic stories helps to understand different styles of music
  2. Personal interpretation of music including different sound experiences from the beginning of learning music.
  3. Create own improvisations and compositions by using different ways of art: singing, making music, drawing and create stories.
  4. Exploration of music and his background helps to form and develop a personal opinion about music and culture.

What's in the AME-Books:
The AME Book has the basic idea to give a special way for student and their teachers to learn the well-known famous music oft the European classic. We think, that learning piano is not only a getting known and a hard practice of basic technic skills with big effort. This only does not make a musician with an own personality. Responsible teaching gives the student the opportunity to be an interpreter, a performer and artist from the beginning of learning a instrument.

Taking this into consideration, it is necessary to explain the student the distinction of the famous compositions he should play. This can only done seriously by learning the historical, cultural and social background of the music. In this book we try to give the student paintings, paintings of buildings and persons and some small stories for understanding the music. A good artist education is an education of the personal senses, the intellect and the feelings of the student. This will give the student wide knowledge, motivation and enthusiasm.

In this book we lead the student through different periods; introduce some typical composers and their artist character. In the second part, we present some songs, from typical Austrian children’s songs, Christmas carols and some folk music, which melodies have also influenced classic composers.

This will help him to find a personal way of performing this music and will gives him the chance to grow up his self realization, which we think is an ultimate ambition in any music and artist education.

Every year in August the Ice-Caves are the venue for an extraordinary world-class concert series. The Dachstein Ice cave is transformed from the most popular excursion in Salzkammergut to a unique concert hall! Internationally renowned musicians of all genres gather in this special atmosphere to impress guests with their sounds which are anything but frosty! In the Dachstein giant Ice cave – one of the biggest Ice caves in the world – THE musical highlight of Salzkammergut takes place each year.

The ‘Ice Sounds’ concert series offers a unique acoustic and visual experience within the mystical Parsifal Dome of the Dachstein Ice cave. Guests can listen to music of various different genres within this crystal-clear atmosphere and before the backdrop of some bizarre ice formations with the genres encompassing classical, improvised jazz, swinging blues and boogie. International musicians, some of whom play for world-famous orchestras, transform the unique ambience into a concert hall with their bright dreamy sounds, bringing the listeners out in goose bumps – and not just because of the cold temperature!

Mozart Minuet

Bach Praeludium


AME-teacher and composer Yvonne Brugger performing an own composition called "Ballade for Mozart". This piece is also covered in the AME-“Nihao from Austria”.

Interview with Dr. Peter Brugger

The regional TV station salzTV invited AME director Dr. Peter Brugger to an interview! We had the chance to present our AME project as well as our plans and visions for the future. We would like to thank the whole salzTV team for the invitation and their kind and friendly reception!

ICE CAVE CONCERTS! You want more Ice Cave music?

Every year in August the Ice-Caves are the venue for an extraordinary world-class concert series. The Dachstein Ice cave is transformed from the most popular excursion in Salzkammergut to a unique concert hall! Internationally renowned musicians of all genres gather in this special atmosphere to impress guests with their sounds which are anything but frosty! In the Dachstein giant Ice cave – one of the biggest Ice caves in the world – THE musical highlight of Salzkammergut takes place each year.